The Suring Area Public Library (SAPL) is a joint library governed by an eleven member Board of Trustees. Trustees are appointed by the respective municipalities for a two year term, with one Trustee appointed in an even-numbered year and one Trustee appointed in an odd-numbered year. The Library Board is responsible for hiring a library director, setting library policy and preparing an annual operating budget. The Board meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 5:00pm at the library. The public is welcome. If you would like to be on the agenda, please call the library at least one week before the scheduled meeting.
Board Members
Town of Bagley
Town of Brazeau
Town of Breed
Town of How
Town of Maple Valley
Town of Mountain
Village of Suring
School Board Representative
Executive Committee
President: Candie Lehto
Vice President: Bette Elbe |
Secretary: Jean Grosse
Treasurer: Tammy Steffeck |
Vertical Divider
Vertical Divider
Long Range Planning